About Us

YMCA Albania focuses on working with young people through diverse youth empowerment programmes and supporting local communities.

YMCA Albania is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, whose aim is to empower young people, by assisting and strengthening community development. YMCA was registered in the Tirana District Court in 2014 and is a cooperating movement of YMCA Europe, working in direct partnership with local YMCAs within the World Alliance of YMCAs.

The YMCA in Albania focuses on working with young people through diverse youth empowerment programmes and supporting local communities. Some of the programmes, voluntary based, we have been implementing through the years are mostly focusing on building capacities and putting into practice the knowledge and information that our young people gain from participating on national and international initiatives offered by YMCA all over the world and other partners or networks we are part of.

Meet Our Team

International Collaborations
