Our Projects

We have an extensive record of successful project delivery across Albania since 2014.

List of the projects implemented (2014-2024)

“Empowering Local Young People Through ArtiVism”
Donors: Embassy of Netherlands in Albania
Implementation: Berat

Digital Community Hubs in the West Balkans
Donors: HP and YMCA Europe;
Implementation: Tirana, Berat 

Community Development – Training Delivery to Local Young People
Donor: Terre des Hommes;
Implementation: Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Kukes                            

“Kick Off- Access to Finance and Mentoring of Young Entrepreneurs”
Donor: Swiss Contact in Albania;
Implementation: Tirana                    

“Be a Voice, Not an Echo!” (promotion of youth citizen engagement in public life)
Donor: Tirana European Youth Capital/National Youth Congress/Tirana Municipality;
Implementation area: Tirana, Shkodra, Berat

“Youth Engagement in Supporting Healthy Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity”
Implementation area: Tirana, Shkodra, Saranda, Berat, Vlora, Kavaja    

“ArtVocacy- for the Absolute Right to Life” (young people advocating against blood feud phenomena)
Donor: European Youth Foundation;
Implementation area: Shkodra

“Re-Building Communities Through Youth Engagement” – After Earthquake on 2019
Donor: Global Albanians Foundation;
Implementation area: Fushe-Kruja

“Y – Change Agents”
Donor: Terre des Hommes, ADC, TAG
Implementation: Shalës, Cërrik

“Coaching for Employment for Young Vulnerable People and Establishing Social Business”

Donor: Y’s Men International/Y’sMenette,
Implementation area: Tirana                  

“Supporting and Mentoring Youth Employment”- at “Y Coffee Shop Social Entrepreneur
Donor: Terre des Hommes Albania,
Implementation area: Tirana,      

“Be a Santa for a Child in Need” (humanitarian project)
Donor: Y’s Men International
Implementation area: Tirana, Shkodra

“Helping Children in Needs” (Humanitarian Project)
Donor: Y’s Menette Denmark,
Implementation area: Tirana         

“YMCA Mindfulness Youth Group”
Donor: YMCA World Alliance”, “YMCA of Greater Vancouver”;
Implementation area: Tirana 

“Young Leaders- Active Citizens” (capacity building on youth participatory government)
Donor: European Youth Foundation,
Implementation area: Kombinat, Kashar/ Tirana

“Enhancing Access to Justice of Vulnerable Communities in Tropoja and Kruja”
Donor: Save the Children, (EU);
Implementation area: Tropoja, Kruja 

“Promoting National Strategy Countering Violent Extremism in Local Level”
Donor: Terre des Hommes (EU),
Implementation area: Kashar, Tirana

“Europe Citizens- so close, so far” (study research on youth aspiration toward EU)
Donor: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung,
Implementation area: Tirana 

“Young Roma & Egyptian Voter Education – Functional Participatory Local Governance”
Donor: US Embassy in Albania;
Implementation area: Berat     

“One Million Voices” (qualitative global study research on youth issues related to employment, migration, Environment, health, mental health, wellbeing, civic engagement)
Donor: World YMCA, 

Implementation- Berat, Bulqiza, Bathore, Tirana, Ballsh, Shkoder

“Capacity Building of Youth Voice Network, Raising Awareness and Advocacy
Supported by UNFPA  Albania;
Active involvement of young Albanian people on main International Days
Implementation: Cërrik, Elbasan, Peqin, Tirana

“Active Young People on Participatory Government
Donor: UNFPA;
Implementation area: Tirana, Elbasan, Cerrik