We believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships to create positive change.
We are committed to building bridges and fostering meaningful relationships between young people from all walks of life.
Through these years we have offered the opportunities to young people to participate in different projects, trainings, youth exchange, camps under the Erasmus+ programme, such as:
Associazione Vagamondo (Italy)
Yunus Emre İlkogretim Okulu Genclik ve Spor Kulubu Derneği (Turkey)
“Richter the Cultural European Innovators” (Netherlands)
YMCA’s of (France, Romania, Bitola, Kosovo, France, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Netherlands)
YMCA Europe
World YMCA
Anna Lindh Foundation
Nordfyns Hojskole Denmark
Y’s Men Club International
R.U.O., Research Unit One
International Service Corps
YMCA Albania aims to:
To support the development of policies for the consolidation of volunteering at the local and central level, the promotion of social cohesion, paying special attention to comprehensive methods to build well-being and adopt the value of democracy.
To offer services to young people and the entire community, regardless of religious, political, gender, cultural, geographical, race or nationality for the benefit of their integration in social life.
To promote international youth relations with the aim of strengthening cooperation between peoples and cultural interaction and to promote the acquisition of peaceful coexistence between peoples and nations by preserving and promoting cultural identity.
If you are interested in an International Collaboration, please contact us.
+355 68422 3644
YMCA was registered in the Tirana District Court in 2014 and is a cooperating movement of YMCA Europe, working in direct partnership with local YMCAs within the World Alliance of YMCAs.
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